Database of governance arrangements

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Across Europe there is an inspiring array of experimentation with local governance arrangements for just and sustainable cities.

What is governance? It can be broadly understood as all formal and informal political processes (involving state and non-state actors) that lead to collective action.

On this database, you will find the summaries of results of a study on fruitful governance interventions for sustainable and just cities.

Would you like to get involved? We've asked some questions in the following sections, and you can share your suggestions with us via email to Philipp Spaeth. If you haven't already, please feel free to join the UrbanA Community of Practice.

DISCLAIMER: This page is currently under review! More detail to follow shortly.

Enabling governance arrangements

Enabling governance arrangements are combinations of actor constellations and institutional settings that have proven a potential to support urban governance towards just and sustainable cities in several cases of real-world (Governance Interventions)

Looking at a selection of eleven situated governance interventions for sustainable and just cities (as summarized in our scenarios), we asked:

What key elements of governance arrangements enabled those interventions to come to fruition?

You can find background information on eleven original, real-world governance interventions, our empirical basis, in our database of rich descriptions (for more information, please refer to the section methodology).

You will see references to these interventions in the form of brief examples to illustrate each enabling governance arrangement. The question numbers accompanying the examples, like “(Q18)”, will lead you to the pertinent section of the respective description of a real world governance intervention.

We assume that the enabling governance arrangements were aimed at sustainable and just outcomes, which makes it likely that they can be useful for interventions with similar goals in other instances as well. However, we do not claim that these enabling arrangements are the sole factors for bringing interventions to fruition, as the latter will always be embedded in local contexts with place-based factors being important as well.

When clicking on one of the enabling governance arrangement A) - D) below, you will learn about the ambition this each enabling governance arrangement as well as about the scenarios and detailed descriptions of governance experiments it relates.

A) Create a comprehensive vision of change

B) Make space for adaptation and experimentation

C) Build bridges between separate stakeholder groups

D) Commit to a meaningful participation process

E) Tap into existing community networks

F) Develop resilient, and self-sufficient financing arrangements

Which further enabling governance arrangement do you consider crucial on the way towards governance for sustainability AND justice in cities?

Governance interventions

We have selected eleven real-word experiments (mostly within EU-funded projects) and developed detailed descriptions which detail their governance variables and processes. We have also created a brief governance scenario per case studied. These scenarios share general insights in a narrative style, and we hope that they pique your interest and provide inspiration about what could be possible in your city!

We stress that the interventions presented below (the detailed descriptions and the corresponding scenarios) - are not exemplary “successful interventions”. Rather, they are regarded as general inspiration and real-world cases for testing out how to enable translocal learning.

Detailed governance intervention descriptions Brief governance scenarios
1.Bottom-up resistance against gentrification in Rome 1.Learning from successful community-based actions against gentrification
2.Citizens rescuing and sharing food in Berlin 2.Expanding effective practices for food rescuing and sharing among cities
3.Community led affordable housing in Brussels 3.A new take on affordable housing through community owned and developed dwellings
4.Dealing flexibly with and learning from resistance in Barcelona 4.Inviting citizens to a transformation of street space - flexibly dealing with resistance
5.Biodiversity protection and social justice in the Barcelona Natural Park 5.Negotiating green space development: balancing long-term sustainability and short-term social needs
6.Co-creation of a sustainable neighborhood in Freiburg 6.Collaborating Across Institutional Boundaries: Co-Creating Sustainable Neighborhoods
7.Public-private partnerships for sustainability infrastructure in Athens 7.Bringing sustainable infrastructure to all - carefully engaging in public-private partnerships
8.Inner-city community energy in London 8.From electricity to empowerment, community energy growing out of the inner-city
9.Holistic neighbourhood development Augustenborg 9.Overcoming compartmentalization in urban regeneration projects for inclusive sustainability and resilience
10.Citizens share in Berlin Energy Grid for sustainable energy 10.Creating a sustainable energy system - a citizen-driven transformation
11.Regeneration of a deprived neighborhood in Rotterdam 11.Nurturing Trust in Community-Driven Regeneration: Continuity amidst Institutional Uncertainty

Template for developing further descriptions: Rich description template


(Coming soon)