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'''Alternative conceptual framings''' are a feature of many and diverse approaches to urban sustainability and/or justice, and in particular their intersections. Arguments in their favour range from the ethical to the instrumental: the moral right of all those living in cities to contribute to shaping their future, to the practical importance of diverse outlooks, ideas and capabilities in working towards sustainability and justice.
'''Alternative conceptual framings''' are a feature of many and diverse approaches to urban sustainability and/or justice, and in particular their intersections. Arguments in their favour range from the ethical to the instrumental: the moral right of all those living in cities to contribute to shaping their future, to the practical importance of diverse outlooks, ideas and capabilities in working towards sustainability and justice.

==General Introduction to Alternative Conceptual Framings ==
This page is part of an ongoing, open-ended online collaborative database, which collects relevant approaches that can be used by city-makers to tackle unsustainability and injustice in cities. It is based mainly on knowledge generated in EU-funded projects and touches on fast changing fields. As such, this page makes no claims of authoritative completeness and welcomes your suggestions. All citations are from project websites/reports if not otherwise marked.  
Critiques of and challenges to dominant narratives, perceptions, approaches to decision-making and forms of action are increasingly prominent in debates about sustainability and justice, within urban settings and beyond. Such counter-normative orientations arise in different ways in different contexts: in some cases as an outcome of critical scholarship or radical political orientation, in others via the voices and actions of marginal and under-represented groups, often as a combination of these resulting from deliberate alliance.  

A large body of critical scholarship, backed up by empirical evidence and formal analysis, suggests that injustice and unsustainability are inbuilt structural features of currently dominant political, economic and technological regimes, and therefore difficult to challenge from within them. The academic field of political ecology, for example, emphasises that environmental issues have inseparable social and political dimensions, and can neither be understood nor addressed without taking into account the uneven distribution of costs and benefits of environmental change across differences of class, race, ethnicity and gender, and the power imbalances these both reflect and engender.<ref> http://www.politicalecology.eu/. Accessed September 13th 2019.</ref> The concept of Convergence provides an integrative framework for reconciling equity and respect for global environmental limits, in areas such as access to natural resources, energy, governance, trade and human well-being.<ref> https://www.schumacherinstitute.org.uk/research/converge/. Accessed September 13th 2019.</ref>
== Why Reconceptualise Urban Justice and Sustainability? ==
The UrbanA project characterises both sustainability and justice in broad terms. It recognises that the concepts of sustainability and justice are both highly contested, and may be defined, understood and acted upon in many different ways.<ref name="urbana D3.1"> Avelino, F., K. Schipper, F. van Steenbergen, T. Henfrey, S. Rach, J. Connolly, I. Anguelovski, M. Bach, M. Oltmer & Giorgia Silvestri, 2019. ''[https://app.box.com/s/q1fn4ns8kq1dramo6oifd7o0spp0h66j UrbanA Mapping Guidelines]''. UrbanA H2020 Project Deliverable 3.1.</ref> Particularly when sustainability and justice are considered together, this can challenge dominant notions of sustainability.

Alternative conceptual framings also arise in various instances of practical action. Examination of experiences of transport poverty among diverse groups, including children, migrants, women, elderly people, people with reduced mobility, inhabitants of rural or deprived areas and low income and/or unemployed people, revealed diverse expectations concerning mobility and transportation needs, requiring diverse technical and organisation approaches to transport provision.<ref> Kuttler, T., Moraglio, M., Bosetti, S., Chiffi, C., Van, P., Grandsart, D., 2019. [http://hireach-project.eu/HiReach_D2.2%20Inputs%20from%20final%20users_v2_20190524_TRT_draft.pdf ''Mobility in prioritised areas: inputs from the final-users''] (HiReach Project Deliverable No. 2.2).</ref> Urban displacment in southern European cities resulting from the post-2008 economic crisis has been a source of various anti-gentrification practices undertaken by affected, including action against eviction, privatization, speculation and austerity, that radically reshape understandings of urban exclusion and justice, the courses of action available to city authorities, and the consequences of these.<ref> AGAPE Project, 2016. [https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/188216/reporting/en ''Final Report Summary - AGAPE (Exploring Anti-GentrificAtion PracticEs and policies in Southern European Cities)'']</ref>. Various forms of self-organised community-based initiatives for sustainability offer problem framings and courses of action that often directly challenge neo-liberal orthodoxy (but may in practice unintentionally reinforce it).
UrbanA considers sustainability as an intergenerational and multi-level phenomenon with multiple dimensions (social-cultural, economic, ecological). Sustainability may be understood and achieved in very different ways, depending on which of these are taken into account or given emphasis.

==Shapes, sizes and applications==
UrbanA understoods justice to include distribution of costs and benefits of sustainability interventions, patterns of participation and exclusion in decision-making and execution, and the extent to which action on sustainability accomodates diverse needs and expectations, particularly in relation to often-marginalised groups such as ethnic minorities, low income groups, the elderly, women and gender non-conforming people. Accomodating such diversity often involves challenging the tendency of certain powerful actors to dominate discussion and action on urban sustainability.<ref> Avelino, F., 2017. Power in Sustainability Transitions: Analysing power and (dis)empowerment in transformative change towards sustainability: Power in Sustainability Transitions. ''Environmental Policy and Governance'' 27, 505–520. https://doi.org/10.1002/eet.1777</ref> This often leads to understandings of sustainability, and courses of action, very different from those promoted by such powerful incubments.
Mapping and distillation of previous EU-funded research projects identified eleven approaches in this cluster:
* Anti-gentrification practices
* Ecological economics
* Political ecology
* Intersectionality: gender, migration and multiculturalism
* Post‐Carbon Urbanism concept development
* "Landscape of resistance"
* Environmental Justice (EJ) in marginalized communities
* Multi-scalar understanding of spatial justice
* Innovative solutions for just mobility
* Scaling and connecting of transition initiatives for low-carbon society
* Community based sustainability initiatives
* Urban resilience understanding

The inherently counter-hegemonic nature of these approaches tends to marginalise them in relation to established institutions and dominant modes of thought and action, with mixed consequences in terms of their effectiveness and maturity. Some, such as squatters on Barcelona's urban periphery, deliberately distance themselves from accepted discourse and practice and operate as 'uncivil' initiatives, contravening laws perceived to be unjust and cultivating popular legitimacy through socially responsible action in their immediate neighbourhoods.<ref> D’Alisa, G., Demaria, F., Cattaneo, C., 2013. Civil and Uncivil Actors for a Degrowth Society. Journal of Civil Society 9, 212–224. https://doi.org/10.1080/17448689.2013.788935</ref> Others have found mixed success in seeking compromise with incumbent regimes. Community-based initiatives that constitute as officially recognised organisations often find themselves subject to a phenomenon known as ''coercive isomorphism'', where the need to sustain the chosen legal form creates pressures that are at odds with their basic premises and preferred ways of operating.<ref> Becker, S.L., Franke, F., Gläsel, A., 2018. Regime pressures and organizational forms of community-based sustainability initiatives. ''Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions'' 29, 5–16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2017.10.004</ref> Such effects can be exacerbated by participation in funding schemes that assume or favour particular organisational models, framing concepts and modes of action.</ref> Such tensions create risks of co-option by the very dominant framings they seek to challenge, limiting or even directly contradicting their stated goals.<ref> Frantzeskaki, N., Dumitru, A., Anguelovski, I., Avelino, F., Bach, M., Best, B., Binder, C., Barnes, J., Carrus, G., Egermann, M., Haxeltine, A., Moore, M.-L., Mira, R.G., Loorbach, D., Uzzell, D., Omann, I., Olsson, P., Silvestri, G., Stedman, R., Wittmayer, J., Durrant, R., Rauschmayer, F., 2016. Elucidating the changing roles of civil society in urban sustainability transitions. ''Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability'' 22, 41–50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2017.04.008</ref>
==Shapes, Sizes and Applications==
Many different academic fields and forms of practical action towards urban sustainability and justice call for, and in many cases offer, new conceptualisations of sustainability and/or justice.

On the other hand, increasing recognition of the limitations of orthodoxies such as neoliberalism and free market economics is increasing the credibility and mainstream acceptability of alternative framings, and their ability to achieve practical success, in their own right and in partnership with incumbent actors. <ref> Henfrey, T. & G. Penha-Lopes, 2019. Recoupling through regeneration: Community-led initiatives and the re-imagining of economic and social policy. ''Global Solutions Journal'' 4: 254-259.</ref> Perceptions are growing that unsustainability and injustice are inbuilt features of dominant paradigms, not accidental side-effects, and that radical changes of mindset are necessary to challenge and reverse them.<ref> Göpel, M., 2017. [http://www.transitionresearchnetwork.org/uploads/1/2/7/3/12737251/3.3_paradigm_shifts.pdf Shedding some light on the invisible: the transformative power of paradigm shifts.] In: Henfrey, T., Maschkowski, G., Penha-Lopes, G. (Eds.), ''Resilience, Community Action and Societal Transformation.'' Permanent Publications, East Meon, pp. 113–140.</ref> Protest movements against toxic waste dumping in Naples matured into people'a assemblies that took power in municipal elections in 2016,<ref> Armerio, M., Di Angelis, M., 2017. Anthropocene: victims, narrators, and revolutionaries. South Atlantic Quarterly 116, 345–362. https://doi.org/10.1215/00382876-3829445</ref> while in Barcelona housing rights campaigner Ada Colau was elected mayor in 2015, part of a wave of popular protest movements to have come to power as part of the 'new municipalist' movement worldwide <ref> Bookchin, D. & A. Colau (eds.), 2019. ''Fearless Cities: A guide to the global municipalist movement''. Oxford: New Internationalist.</ref> Alternative conceptual framings thus range across a broad spectrum of maturity, from isolated and tentative experiments to capture of dominant institutions.
Examples of academic reconceptualisations include:
*The observation from Energy Systems Studies that decarbonising energy systems is not simply a process of substituting fossil fuels with renewable energy technologies, but also requires dismantling social and political systems that 'lock in' dependence on fossil fuels.<ref> Unruh, G.C., 2002. Escaping carbon lock-in. ''Energy Policy'' 30, 317–325. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0301-4215(01)00098-2</ref>
* The recognition within Sustainability Science of the incompatibility between sustainability and dominant mindsets, and need for a paradigm shift in cultural outlook.<ref> Göpel, M., 2017. [http://www.transitionresearchnetwork.org/uploads/1/2/7/3/12737251/3.3_paradigm_shifts.pdf Shedding Some Light on the Invisible: The Transformative Power of Paradigm Shifts]. Pp. 113-140 in Henfrey, T., G. Maschkowski & G. Penha-Lopes (eds.) ''Resilience, Community Action and Societal Transformation''. East Meon: Permanent Publications.</ref>
* Calls in Alternative Economics for new economic models that question the primacy of GDP growth as a macro-economic indicator and call for new approaches that seek to achieve societal welfare within sustainable limits.<ref>Jackson, T., 2017. ''Prosperity without Growth. Foundations for the economy of tomorrow.'' Second edition. London: Routledge.</ref><ref> Kallis, G., Kerschner, C., Martinez-Alier, J., 2012. The economics of degrowth. ''Ecological Economics'' 84, 172–180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2012.08.017</ref>
* The establishment within Organisational and Management Studies of new approaches to collective planning that emphasise the need to question and move beyond established ways of thinking and acting.<ref> Scharmer, C.O., 2009. ''Theory U. Leading from the future as it emerges.'' San Fransisco: Berrett-Koehler</ref>
* The emergence within Design Studies of the new field of Transition Design, which takes its lead from the 'pluriverse' of collaborative and place-based action for alternative futures, rooted in strong values of sustainability and justice.<ref> Escobar, A., 2018. ''Designs for the Pluriverse’’Radical interdependence, autonomy, and the making of worlds.'' London: Duke University Press.</ref>

Alternative conceptual framings also exhibit diversity in their conceptual maturity. An interview with Marilyn Hamilton of [https://integralcity.com/ Integral City] emphasised the importance of the [[integral approach]], which integrates multiple perspectives within a meta-framework recognising that all phenomena have both interior/exterior and individual/collective dimensions, and develop and evolve in each of these. Approaches to sustainability and justice tend to emphasise exterior dimensions of phenomena, and in particular to overlook the caring qualities prominent in inner dimensions and essential for justice. Inclusion is another important feature of an integral approach, which honours pluralism and recognises that all perspectives express some degree of relative truth and bring valid insights into complex problems. Locating different perspectives on the integral map allows each to be honoured in its own terms, and enables collaboration towards inclusive action.
The EU-funded ENTITLE Project (a training network within the Marie Curie action of FP7, 2012-2016) trained a cohort of 18 early career researchers in the academic field of Political Ecology.<ref> http://www.politicalecology.eu/. Accessed September 13th 2019.</ref> Political Ecology emphasises that environmental issues have inseparable social and political dimensions, and can neither be understood nor addressed without taking into account the uneven distribution of costs and benefits of environmental change across differences of class, race, ethnicity and gender, and the power imbalances these both reflect and engender.<ref> Biersack, A., & J. B. Greenberg (eds.), 2006. ''Reimagining Political Ecology.'' Durham, NC: Duke University Press.</ref>

==Relation to UrbanA themes: Cities, sustainability, and justice==
The concept of Convergence was the central focus of the EU-funded CONVERGE project (FP7, 2009-2013).<ref> https://www.schumacherinstitute.org.uk/research/converge/. Accessed September 13th 2019.</ref> It is an extension of Aubrey Meyer's concept of Contraction and Convergence, created by the Global Commons Institute in the 1990s as a tool to promote equity in relation to climate change mitigation. Contraction referred to the reduction of global levels of greenhouse gas emissions to sustainable levels, Convergence to the equitable per capita distribution of rights to emit these emissions.<ref> http://www.gci.org.uk/. Accessed October 19th 2019.</ref> CONVERGE extended this concept to areas such as access to natural resources, energy, governance, trade and human well-being, as an integrative framework for reconciling equity and respect for global environmental limits.<ref> https://convergence-alliance.org/. Accessed October 18th 2019.</ref>

Describe how the approach addresses and/or tackles unsustainability and injustice in cities, taking into consideration the following four questions (max. 1-2 paragraphs)
In terms of practical action, the [http://www.transitsocialinnovation.eu/ TRANSIT project] (FP7, 2013-2016), examined initiatives and networks involved in Transformative Social Innovation (TSI). TSI actors, which include many urban social change initiatives, adopt and enact values, practices and forms of social relations radically different from those of wider society.<ref> Kemp, R., Zuijderwijk, L., Weaver, P., Seyfang, G., Avelino, F., Strasser, T., Becerra, L., Backhaus, J., Ruijsink, S., 2015. ‘’[http://www.transitsocialinnovation.eu/ Doing things differently: exploring Transformative Social innovation and its practical challenges]’’ (Transit Brief No. 1). TRANSIT FP7 Project.</ref>

Urban: to what extent does the cluster/approach focus on the urban? Which scale of the urban or which urban territories?
Specific cases of practical initiatives whose discourse or practice express alternative conceptualisations of sustainability and or justice include:
Justice: to what extent does the cluster/approach address (in)justice. What type of (in)justice is addressed, how and at which scale? (see guidelines of D3.1 for the different types of justice).
* [[Ecovillages]] are a form of [[Co-living, co-housing & intentional communities|intentional community]], found in urban, peri-urban and rural settings, and among the case studies in the TRANSIT Project. Ecovillages emphasise themes of cultural change and unity in diversity, and deliberately seek to create spaces of heightened social and environmental awareness, characterised by collaboration, creativity and experimentation.<ref>Kunze, I., Avelino, F., 2015. ''[http://www.transitsocialinnovation.eu/content/original/Book%20covers/Local%20PDFs/192%20Case_study_report_GEN_FINAL.pdf Social Innovation and the Global Ecovillage Network]''. Research Report, TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169.</ref>
Sustainability: what type of (un)sustainability issues are addressed, how and at which scale?
Linking sustainability and justice: to what extent and how does the cluster/approach link or connect sustainability and justice?

==Narrative of change==
* [[Transition towns]], another TRANSIT Project case study,<ref> Longhurst, N., Pataki, G., 2015. ''[http://www.transitsocialinnovation.eu/content/original/Book%20covers/Local%20PDFs/260%20Case%20study%20report%20template%20Batch1%20Transition%20Towns%20v11%20May%202017.pdf TRANSIT WP4 Case Study Report: The Transition Movement]''. TRANSIT FP7 Project.</ref> provide experimental spaces for collaborative exploration of creative responses to local manifestations of global social and environmental issues such as climate change and economic stability, and in some ways translate ecovillage thinking and action to established communities, and provide .<ref> Lockyer, J., 2010. Intentional community carbon reduction and climate change action: from ecovillages to transition towns, in: Peters, M., Fudge, S., Jackson, T. (Eds.), Low Carbon Communities: Imaginative Approaches to Combating Climate Change Locally. Edward Elgar, Camberley, UK, pp. 197–215.</ref> <ref> Barry, J., Quilley, S., 2009. The transition to sustainability: Transition towns and sustainable communities. Pp. 1-28 in ''The Transition to Sustainable Living and Practice'', Advances in Ecopolitics Volume 4. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/S2041-806X(2009)0000004004</ref>

Describe in 1 short paragraph what is the narrative of change of the cluster/approach.
* Both Transition and ecovillages are forms of community-led initiatives, of the kind studied in the TESS project, whose activities provide alternative pathways to sustainability and decarbonisation that emphasise democratic participation, with greater scope for participation and justice.<ref> Hof, A., Holsten, A., Berg, H., et,  al, 2016. Sustainability Transitions to Low Carbon Societies - TESS, ARTS & PATHWAYS Common Policy Brief.</ref> Both operate through the creation and management of [[commons]], diverse arrangements for ownership and management of resources based on collective agreement among their co-users.<ref> Bollier, D. & Helfrich, S., 2019. ''Free, fair and alive. The insurgent power of the commons.'' Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers.</ref>

What is the problem that the cluster/approach addresses?
* The EU-funded HiReach Project (H2020, 2017-2020) examined of experiences of transport poverty among diverse groups, including children, migrants, women, elderly people, people with reduced mobility, inhabitants of rural or deprived areas and low income and/or unemployed people. Findings revealed diverse expectations concerning mobility and transportation needs, requiring a range of different approaches to transport provision, in both technical and organisational terms.<ref> Kuttler, T., Moraglio, M., Bosetti, S., Chiffi, C., Van, P., Grandsart, D., 2019. [http://hireach-project.eu/HiReach_D2.2%20Inputs%20from%20final%20users_v2_20190524_TRT_draft.pdf ''Mobility in prioritised areas: inputs from the final-users''] (HiReach Project Deliverable No. 2.2).</ref>
What is the underlying premise of how the cluster/approach tries to address this problem and achieve change?

==Transformative potential==
* The AGAPE Project (FP7, 2014-2016) studied the consequences of urban displacment in southern European cities following the post-2008 economic crisis. It identified a range of actions undertaken by those affected in order to challenge directly gentrification and its effects, including confronting eviction, privatization, speculation and austerity. It concluded that such anti-gentrification practices dramatically reshape understandings of urban exclusion and justice, the courses of action available to city authorities, and the consequences of these.<ref> AGAPE Project, 2016. [https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/188216/reporting/en ''Final Report Summary - AGAPE (Exploring Anti-GentrificAtion PracticEs and policies in Southern European Cities)'']</ref>

Describe in 1 short paragraph the transformative potential of the cluster/approach.
==Relation to UrbanA themes: Cities, Sustainability, and Justice==
Action to make cities more sustainable often has the unintended consequence of increasing injustice. For example, the activities of community initiatives in Peckham, south London reinforced ongoing processes of gentrification that led to exclusion of low income residents.<ref> Håkansson, I., 2018. The socio-spatial politics of urban sustainability transitions: Grassroots initiatives in gentrifying Peckham. ''Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions'' 29, 34–46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2017.10.003</ref>

To what extent does the cluster/approach alter, change or challenge existing power relations? (To what extent are) which power relations considered as problematic (unequal, oppressive, unjust, excluding etc.) by the cluster/approach, implicitly or explicitly?  (How) are these power relations being framed, problematised, challenged, altered or replaced by the cluster/approach? And/or which existing power relations are (at the risk of) being reproduced/ strengthened by the cluster/approach, and how?  (see mapping guidelines D3.1 for a conceptualisation of transformative potential).
The apparent trade-off with justice observed in many urban sustainability initiatives is most likely an artefact of capitalist economics that equate well-being with levels of material consumption, and hence with environmental impacts.<ref> Henfrey, T. & G. Penha-Lopes, 2019. Recoupling through Regeneration: Community-led initiatives and the re-imagining of economic and social policy. ''Global Solutions Journal'' 4: 254-259.</ref> Many [[ecovillages]], for example, achieve levels of reported well-being and life satisfaction comparable to those of affluent urban neighbourhoods at far lower levels of material consumption, through alternative approaches that make social capital the main determinant of life quality.<ref> Mulder, K., Costanza, R., Erickson, J., 2006. The contribution of built, human, social and natural capital to quality of life in intentional and unintentional communities. ''Ecological Economics'' 59, 13–23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2005.09.021</ref> This emphasises the importance - and challenge - of identifying alternative conceptualisations that bring justice and sustainability into alignment, and finding ways to make them the basis of urban sustainability transitions.

== Relevant Approaches ==
In terms of their occurence, alternative conceptualisations may arise in both urban and non-urban settings. Experiences from ecovillages suggest that a degree of cultural isolation from the mainstream has been important in enabling the emergence and maturity of new modes of thinking and action.<ref> Henfrey, T., Ford, L., 2018. Permacultures of transformation: steps to a cultural ecology of environmental action. ''Journal of Political Ecology'' 25, 104–119. https://doi.org/0.2458/v25i1.22758</ref> While perhaps most readily available in [[intentional communities]], such freedom of creative thought and action is also a feature of temporary or permanent alternative spaces that are often found in urban settings.<ref> Leyshon, A., R. Lee & C.C. Williams (eds.), 2003. ''Alternative Economic Spaces.'' London: Sage.</ref>
Illustrate 1 or 2 specific approaches/instances as part of the cluster
Briefly describe one or two illustrative approach(es) or case study based on the questions 1,2,3 & 4 above. Add info on geographic coverage (Rotterdam, Spain, Europe etc.) and scale/scope (level of organisation; city, neighbourhood etc.). This might be part of the cluster-wiki or become a separate wiki page in itself.

The EU-funded RELOCAL project (H2020, 2017-2020) mapped patterns of inequality in cities (and non-urban areas) in nine countries across Europe, at scales ranging from city-wide to neighbourhood.<ref> Németh, S., 2018. [https://relocal.eu/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2018/10/D10.8-Working-Paper-Series-2.pdf ''Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development'']. Working Paper 2. RELOCAL Project.</ref> A key finding was the existence of 'frontier areas' where marked differences in affluence are evident among geographically close neighbours.<ref> https://relocal.eu/multi-scalar-patterns-of-inequalities/. Accessed September 13th 2019.</ref> In many cities, widely different understandings and experiences of urban life may thus co-exist in close proximity. This suggests both the necessity of, and potential for, reconciling diverse views of sustainability and perspectives on urban life, via attention to all three key dimensions of justice, may be highest in urban areas.<ref> ''The Role of the Local in Improving Cohesion and Spatial Justice: integrating place-based with top-down approaches to local development'' ([https://relocal.eu/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2018/12/RELOCAL_Policy-Brief-1_Sept-2018.pdf Policy Brief No. 1]), 2018. RELOCAL Project.</ref>

==Narrative of Change==
Although the approaches listed here are diverse, they have in common that they reject dominant narratives, and the courses of action they imply, in favour of their own. These alternative discourses often foreground sustainability and justice as primary societal goals, not secondary considerations dependent on or subordinate to other factors.

The degrowth and postgrowth movements express an explicit political ecology of this type. They assert that commitment to GDP growth as a goal in itself is ecologically and socially damaging in multiple respects. On the basis of a large and growing body of evidence, GDP growth is argued to be fundamentally incompatible with sustainability, to often generate and exacerbate injustice, and to undermine democracy by excluding alternatives from serious consideration.<ref> Asara, V., Profumi, E., Kallis, G., 2013. Degrowth, Democracy and Autonomy. ''Environmental Values'' 22, 217–239. https://doi.org/10.3197/096327113X13581561725239</ref>

Link to other clusters and approaches
François Schneider and colleagues (2010: 513) emphasise that degrowth is based on a politics of choice:
(D)egrowth is offered as a social choice, not imposed as an external imperative for environmental or other reasons. Decentralizing and deepening democratic institutions and repoliticizing the economy are prime objectives for the degrowth movement, alongside the reduction of consumption and production; one cannot be considered without the other.<ref> Schneider, F., Kallis, G., Martinez-Alier, J., 2010. Crisis or opportunity? Economic degrowth for social equity and ecological sustainability. Introduction to this special issue. ''Journal of Cleaner Production'' 18, 511–518. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2010.01.014</ref>

Please add a summary of keywords or tags to other possible Wiki-pages (both clusters and individual approaches or projects).  
Democracy and empowerment through locally autonomous, self-organised action are also central to narratives of change in the [[ecovillage]] and [[Transition movement]]s. According to the Global Ecovillage Network website:
The Global Ecovillage Network envisions a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing pathways to a regenerative future, while building bridges of hope and international solidarity.<ref> https://ecovillage.org/. Accessed October 18th 2019.</ref>
The [http://www.ecolise.eu ECOLISE] network of European community-led sustainability and climate change initiatives, whose members include GEN, Transition Network, and many national networks in the [[ecovillage]] and [[Transition movement]]s, begins its strategy with the following statement:
ECOLISE sees hope in the rich seam of solutions that are being continuously developed by community-led initiatives across Europe and the world, including those that encompass inner growth, inclusive approaches to collaboration and to the governance of commons and stewardship of ecosystems. Furthermore ECOLISE is inspired and motivated by the growing interest in these life-affirming approaches. In this context ECOLISE’s purpose is to engage in, support and facilitate accelerated learning and collaboration among community-led initiatives, their networks and partners in order to catalyse systemic transformation within and across society.
The work of ECOLISE is inspired by the vision of a compassionate, equitable and regenerative society of empowered and resilient communities that thrive on diversity and inclusion and live within planetary boundaries.<ref> https://www.ecolise.eu/about-ecolise/. Accessed October 18th 2019.</ref>
UrbanA fellow Marilyn Hamilton of [https://integralcity.com/ Integral City] emphasises the importance of an integral approach, which integrates multiple perspectives within a meta-framework recognising that all phenomena have both interior/exterior and individual/collective dimensions, and develop and evolve in each of these.<ref> Wilber, K., 2000. ''Integral Psychology''. Boston: Shambala</ref> In Marilyn's view, approaches to sustainability and justice tend to emphasise exterior dimensions of phenomena, and in particular to overlook the caring qualities prominent in inner dimensions and essential for justice. Inclusion is another important feature of an integral approach, which honours pluralism and recognises that all perspectives express some degree of relative truth and bring valid insights into complex problems. Locating different perspectives on the integral map allows each to be honoured in its own terms, and enables collaboration towards inclusive action.
==Transformative Potential==
Reconceptualisations of justice and sustainability directly challenge conventional top-down and centralised approaches to urban planning. As well as offering alternative perspectives, they demand more inclusive, pluralistic and participatory approaches to urban governance. While this makes them inherently transformative - at least in theory - in practice the extent to which their transformative potential is realised varies. Initiatives and networks locate themselves differently in relation to dominant institutions and ways of thinking. They also vary greatly in their degree of maturity, and their success in practice in operating in alignment with their values.
Squatters on Barcelona's urban periphery are an example of what has been termed 'uncivil' initiatives. They explicitly distance themselves from accepted norms and deliberately break laws they perceive to be unjust. Instead, they cultivate popular legitimacy through socially responsible action in their immediate neighbourhoods.<ref> D’Alisa, G., Demaria, F., Cattaneo, C., 2013. Civil and Uncivil Actors for a Degrowth Society. Journal of Civil Society 9, 212–224. https://doi.org/10.1080/17448689.2013.788935</ref>
Community-based initiatives seeking engagement with incumbent regimes run constant risks of co-option by the very dominant framings they seek to challenge, limiting or even directly contradicting their stated goals.<ref> Frantzeskaki, N., Dumitru, A., Anguelovski, I., Avelino, F., Bach, M., Best, B., Binder, C., Barnes, J., Carrus, G., Egermann, M., Haxeltine, A., Moore, M.-L., Mira, R.G., Loorbach, D., Uzzell, D., Omann, I., Olsson, P., Silvestri, G., Stedman, R., Wittmayer, J., Durrant, R., Rauschmayer, F., 2016. Elucidating the changing roles of civil society in urban sustainability transitions. ''Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability'' 22, 41–50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2017.04.008</ref>. Initiatives that choose to constitute as officially recognised organisations often find themselves subject to a phenomenon known as ''coercive isomorphism'', where the need to sustain the chosen legal form creates pressures that are at odds with their basic premises and preferred ways of operating.<ref> Becker, S.L., Franke, F., Gläsel, A., 2018. Regime pressures and organizational forms of community-based sustainability initiatives. ''Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions'' 29, 5–16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2017.10.004</ref> Such effects can be exacerbated by participation in funding schemes that assume or favour particular organisational models, framing concepts and modes of action.<ref> Creamer, E., 2015. The double-edged sword of grant funding: a study of community-led climate change initiatives in remote rural Scotland. ''Local Environment'' 20, 981–999. https://doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2014.885937
</ref><ref> Taylor Aiken, G., 2014. Common Sense Community? The Climate Challenge Fund’s Official and Tacit Community Construction. ''Scottish Geographical Journal'' 130, 207–221. https://doi.org/10.1080/14702541.2014.921322</ref>
Increasing numbers of cases exist where citizen movements enacting alternative conceptualisations that closely link sustainability and justice have assumed political power at city level. In Naples, protest movements against toxic waste dumping matured into people'a assemblies encating a radical participatory form of democracy. Spreading to all districts of the city, they became the basis of a grassroots political coalition that won control of the city in municipal elections in 2016.<ref> Armerio, M., Di Angelis, M., 2017. Anthropocene: victims, narrators, and revolutionaries. ''South Atlantic Quarterly'' 116, 345–362. https://doi.org/10.1215/00382876-3829445</ref> In Barcelona, housing rights campaigner Ada Colau was elected mayor in 2015, part of a wave of popular protest movements to have come to power as part of the 'new municipalist' movement worldwide <ref> Bookchin, D. & A. Colau (eds.), 2019. ''[http://fearlesscities.com/ Fearless Cities]: A guide to the global municipalist movement''. Oxford: New Internationalist.</ref> Its projects include Barcelona Energia, a publically owned renewable energy company that now manages the electricity grid for the entire municipal region, with aim of empowering residents to produce their own energy and democratise control of energy infrastructure.<ref> https://transformativecities.org/atlas-of-utopias/atlas-013// Accessed October 18th 2019.</ref>

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Latest revision as of 10:45, 20 January 2020

Alternative conceptual framings are a feature of many and diverse approaches to urban sustainability and/or justice, and in particular their intersections. Arguments in their favour range from the ethical to the instrumental: the moral right of all those living in cities to contribute to shaping their future, to the practical importance of diverse outlooks, ideas and capabilities in working towards sustainability and justice.

This page is part of an ongoing, open-ended online collaborative database, which collects relevant approaches that can be used by city-makers to tackle unsustainability and injustice in cities. It is based mainly on knowledge generated in EU-funded projects and touches on fast changing fields. As such, this page makes no claims of authoritative completeness and welcomes your suggestions. All citations are from project websites/reports if not otherwise marked.

Why Reconceptualise Urban Justice and Sustainability?

The UrbanA project characterises both sustainability and justice in broad terms. It recognises that the concepts of sustainability and justice are both highly contested, and may be defined, understood and acted upon in many different ways.[1] Particularly when sustainability and justice are considered together, this can challenge dominant notions of sustainability.

UrbanA considers sustainability as an intergenerational and multi-level phenomenon with multiple dimensions (social-cultural, economic, ecological). Sustainability may be understood and achieved in very different ways, depending on which of these are taken into account or given emphasis.

UrbanA understoods justice to include distribution of costs and benefits of sustainability interventions, patterns of participation and exclusion in decision-making and execution, and the extent to which action on sustainability accomodates diverse needs and expectations, particularly in relation to often-marginalised groups such as ethnic minorities, low income groups, the elderly, women and gender non-conforming people. Accomodating such diversity often involves challenging the tendency of certain powerful actors to dominate discussion and action on urban sustainability.[2] This often leads to understandings of sustainability, and courses of action, very different from those promoted by such powerful incubments.

Shapes, Sizes and Applications

Many different academic fields and forms of practical action towards urban sustainability and justice call for, and in many cases offer, new conceptualisations of sustainability and/or justice.

Examples of academic reconceptualisations include:

  • The observation from Energy Systems Studies that decarbonising energy systems is not simply a process of substituting fossil fuels with renewable energy technologies, but also requires dismantling social and political systems that 'lock in' dependence on fossil fuels.[3]
  • The recognition within Sustainability Science of the incompatibility between sustainability and dominant mindsets, and need for a paradigm shift in cultural outlook.[4]
  • Calls in Alternative Economics for new economic models that question the primacy of GDP growth as a macro-economic indicator and call for new approaches that seek to achieve societal welfare within sustainable limits.[5][6]
  • The establishment within Organisational and Management Studies of new approaches to collective planning that emphasise the need to question and move beyond established ways of thinking and acting.[7]
  • The emergence within Design Studies of the new field of Transition Design, which takes its lead from the 'pluriverse' of collaborative and place-based action for alternative futures, rooted in strong values of sustainability and justice.[8]

The EU-funded ENTITLE Project (a training network within the Marie Curie action of FP7, 2012-2016) trained a cohort of 18 early career researchers in the academic field of Political Ecology.[9] Political Ecology emphasises that environmental issues have inseparable social and political dimensions, and can neither be understood nor addressed without taking into account the uneven distribution of costs and benefits of environmental change across differences of class, race, ethnicity and gender, and the power imbalances these both reflect and engender.[10]

The concept of Convergence was the central focus of the EU-funded CONVERGE project (FP7, 2009-2013).[11] It is an extension of Aubrey Meyer's concept of Contraction and Convergence, created by the Global Commons Institute in the 1990s as a tool to promote equity in relation to climate change mitigation. Contraction referred to the reduction of global levels of greenhouse gas emissions to sustainable levels, Convergence to the equitable per capita distribution of rights to emit these emissions.[12] CONVERGE extended this concept to areas such as access to natural resources, energy, governance, trade and human well-being, as an integrative framework for reconciling equity and respect for global environmental limits.[13]

In terms of practical action, the TRANSIT project (FP7, 2013-2016), examined initiatives and networks involved in Transformative Social Innovation (TSI). TSI actors, which include many urban social change initiatives, adopt and enact values, practices and forms of social relations radically different from those of wider society.[14]

Specific cases of practical initiatives whose discourse or practice express alternative conceptualisations of sustainability and or justice include:

  • Ecovillages are a form of intentional community, found in urban, peri-urban and rural settings, and among the case studies in the TRANSIT Project. Ecovillages emphasise themes of cultural change and unity in diversity, and deliberately seek to create spaces of heightened social and environmental awareness, characterised by collaboration, creativity and experimentation.[15]
  • Transition towns, another TRANSIT Project case study,[16] provide experimental spaces for collaborative exploration of creative responses to local manifestations of global social and environmental issues such as climate change and economic stability, and in some ways translate ecovillage thinking and action to established communities, and provide .[17] [18]
  • Both Transition and ecovillages are forms of community-led initiatives, of the kind studied in the TESS project, whose activities provide alternative pathways to sustainability and decarbonisation that emphasise democratic participation, with greater scope for participation and justice.[19] Both operate through the creation and management of commons, diverse arrangements for ownership and management of resources based on collective agreement among their co-users.[20]
  • The EU-funded HiReach Project (H2020, 2017-2020) examined of experiences of transport poverty among diverse groups, including children, migrants, women, elderly people, people with reduced mobility, inhabitants of rural or deprived areas and low income and/or unemployed people. Findings revealed diverse expectations concerning mobility and transportation needs, requiring a range of different approaches to transport provision, in both technical and organisational terms.[21]
  • The AGAPE Project (FP7, 2014-2016) studied the consequences of urban displacment in southern European cities following the post-2008 economic crisis. It identified a range of actions undertaken by those affected in order to challenge directly gentrification and its effects, including confronting eviction, privatization, speculation and austerity. It concluded that such anti-gentrification practices dramatically reshape understandings of urban exclusion and justice, the courses of action available to city authorities, and the consequences of these.[22]

Relation to UrbanA themes: Cities, Sustainability, and Justice

Action to make cities more sustainable often has the unintended consequence of increasing injustice. For example, the activities of community initiatives in Peckham, south London reinforced ongoing processes of gentrification that led to exclusion of low income residents.[23]

The apparent trade-off with justice observed in many urban sustainability initiatives is most likely an artefact of capitalist economics that equate well-being with levels of material consumption, and hence with environmental impacts.[24] Many ecovillages, for example, achieve levels of reported well-being and life satisfaction comparable to those of affluent urban neighbourhoods at far lower levels of material consumption, through alternative approaches that make social capital the main determinant of life quality.[25] This emphasises the importance - and challenge - of identifying alternative conceptualisations that bring justice and sustainability into alignment, and finding ways to make them the basis of urban sustainability transitions.

In terms of their occurence, alternative conceptualisations may arise in both urban and non-urban settings. Experiences from ecovillages suggest that a degree of cultural isolation from the mainstream has been important in enabling the emergence and maturity of new modes of thinking and action.[26] While perhaps most readily available in intentional communities, such freedom of creative thought and action is also a feature of temporary or permanent alternative spaces that are often found in urban settings.[27]

The EU-funded RELOCAL project (H2020, 2017-2020) mapped patterns of inequality in cities (and non-urban areas) in nine countries across Europe, at scales ranging from city-wide to neighbourhood.[28] A key finding was the existence of 'frontier areas' where marked differences in affluence are evident among geographically close neighbours.[29] In many cities, widely different understandings and experiences of urban life may thus co-exist in close proximity. This suggests both the necessity of, and potential for, reconciling diverse views of sustainability and perspectives on urban life, via attention to all three key dimensions of justice, may be highest in urban areas.[30]

Narrative of Change

Although the approaches listed here are diverse, they have in common that they reject dominant narratives, and the courses of action they imply, in favour of their own. These alternative discourses often foreground sustainability and justice as primary societal goals, not secondary considerations dependent on or subordinate to other factors.

The degrowth and postgrowth movements express an explicit political ecology of this type. They assert that commitment to GDP growth as a goal in itself is ecologically and socially damaging in multiple respects. On the basis of a large and growing body of evidence, GDP growth is argued to be fundamentally incompatible with sustainability, to often generate and exacerbate injustice, and to undermine democracy by excluding alternatives from serious consideration.[31]

François Schneider and colleagues (2010: 513) emphasise that degrowth is based on a politics of choice:

(D)egrowth is offered as a social choice, not imposed as an external imperative for environmental or other reasons. Decentralizing and deepening democratic institutions and repoliticizing the economy are prime objectives for the degrowth movement, alongside the reduction of consumption and production; one cannot be considered without the other.[32]

Democracy and empowerment through locally autonomous, self-organised action are also central to narratives of change in the ecovillage and Transition movements. According to the Global Ecovillage Network website:

The Global Ecovillage Network envisions a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing pathways to a regenerative future, while building bridges of hope and international solidarity.[33]

The ECOLISE network of European community-led sustainability and climate change initiatives, whose members include GEN, Transition Network, and many national networks in the ecovillage and Transition movements, begins its strategy with the following statement:

ECOLISE sees hope in the rich seam of solutions that are being continuously developed by community-led initiatives across Europe and the world, including those that encompass inner growth, inclusive approaches to collaboration and to the governance of commons and stewardship of ecosystems. Furthermore ECOLISE is inspired and motivated by the growing interest in these life-affirming approaches. In this context ECOLISE’s purpose is to engage in, support and facilitate accelerated learning and collaboration among community-led initiatives, their networks and partners in order to catalyse systemic transformation within and across society.

The work of ECOLISE is inspired by the vision of a compassionate, equitable and regenerative society of empowered and resilient communities that thrive on diversity and inclusion and live within planetary boundaries.[34]

UrbanA fellow Marilyn Hamilton of Integral City emphasises the importance of an integral approach, which integrates multiple perspectives within a meta-framework recognising that all phenomena have both interior/exterior and individual/collective dimensions, and develop and evolve in each of these.[35] In Marilyn's view, approaches to sustainability and justice tend to emphasise exterior dimensions of phenomena, and in particular to overlook the caring qualities prominent in inner dimensions and essential for justice. Inclusion is another important feature of an integral approach, which honours pluralism and recognises that all perspectives express some degree of relative truth and bring valid insights into complex problems. Locating different perspectives on the integral map allows each to be honoured in its own terms, and enables collaboration towards inclusive action.

Transformative Potential

Reconceptualisations of justice and sustainability directly challenge conventional top-down and centralised approaches to urban planning. As well as offering alternative perspectives, they demand more inclusive, pluralistic and participatory approaches to urban governance. While this makes them inherently transformative - at least in theory - in practice the extent to which their transformative potential is realised varies. Initiatives and networks locate themselves differently in relation to dominant institutions and ways of thinking. They also vary greatly in their degree of maturity, and their success in practice in operating in alignment with their values.

Squatters on Barcelona's urban periphery are an example of what has been termed 'uncivil' initiatives. They explicitly distance themselves from accepted norms and deliberately break laws they perceive to be unjust. Instead, they cultivate popular legitimacy through socially responsible action in their immediate neighbourhoods.[36]

Community-based initiatives seeking engagement with incumbent regimes run constant risks of co-option by the very dominant framings they seek to challenge, limiting or even directly contradicting their stated goals.[37]. Initiatives that choose to constitute as officially recognised organisations often find themselves subject to a phenomenon known as coercive isomorphism, where the need to sustain the chosen legal form creates pressures that are at odds with their basic premises and preferred ways of operating.[38] Such effects can be exacerbated by participation in funding schemes that assume or favour particular organisational models, framing concepts and modes of action.[39][40]

Increasing numbers of cases exist where citizen movements enacting alternative conceptualisations that closely link sustainability and justice have assumed political power at city level. In Naples, protest movements against toxic waste dumping matured into people'a assemblies encating a radical participatory form of democracy. Spreading to all districts of the city, they became the basis of a grassroots political coalition that won control of the city in municipal elections in 2016.[41] In Barcelona, housing rights campaigner Ada Colau was elected mayor in 2015, part of a wave of popular protest movements to have come to power as part of the 'new municipalist' movement worldwide [42] Its projects include Barcelona Energia, a publically owned renewable energy company that now manages the electricity grid for the entire municipal region, with aim of empowering residents to produce their own energy and democratise control of energy infrastructure.[43]


  1. Avelino, F., K. Schipper, F. van Steenbergen, T. Henfrey, S. Rach, J. Connolly, I. Anguelovski, M. Bach, M. Oltmer & Giorgia Silvestri, 2019. UrbanA Mapping Guidelines. UrbanA H2020 Project Deliverable 3.1.
  2. Avelino, F., 2017. Power in Sustainability Transitions: Analysing power and (dis)empowerment in transformative change towards sustainability: Power in Sustainability Transitions. Environmental Policy and Governance 27, 505–520. https://doi.org/10.1002/eet.1777
  3. Unruh, G.C., 2002. Escaping carbon lock-in. Energy Policy 30, 317–325. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0301-4215(01)00098-2
  4. Göpel, M., 2017. Shedding Some Light on the Invisible: The Transformative Power of Paradigm Shifts. Pp. 113-140 in Henfrey, T., G. Maschkowski & G. Penha-Lopes (eds.) Resilience, Community Action and Societal Transformation. East Meon: Permanent Publications.
  5. Jackson, T., 2017. Prosperity without Growth. Foundations for the economy of tomorrow. Second edition. London: Routledge.
  6. Kallis, G., Kerschner, C., Martinez-Alier, J., 2012. The economics of degrowth. Ecological Economics 84, 172–180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2012.08.017
  7. Scharmer, C.O., 2009. Theory U. Leading from the future as it emerges. San Fransisco: Berrett-Koehler
  8. Escobar, A., 2018. Designs for the Pluriverse’’Radical interdependence, autonomy, and the making of worlds. London: Duke University Press.
  9. http://www.politicalecology.eu/. Accessed September 13th 2019.
  10. Biersack, A., & J. B. Greenberg (eds.), 2006. Reimagining Political Ecology. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
  11. https://www.schumacherinstitute.org.uk/research/converge/. Accessed September 13th 2019.
  12. http://www.gci.org.uk/. Accessed October 19th 2019.
  13. https://convergence-alliance.org/. Accessed October 18th 2019.
  14. Kemp, R., Zuijderwijk, L., Weaver, P., Seyfang, G., Avelino, F., Strasser, T., Becerra, L., Backhaus, J., Ruijsink, S., 2015. ‘’Doing things differently: exploring Transformative Social innovation and its practical challenges’’ (Transit Brief No. 1). TRANSIT FP7 Project.
  15. Kunze, I., Avelino, F., 2015. Social Innovation and the Global Ecovillage Network. Research Report, TRANSIT: EU SSH.2013.3.2-1 Grant agreement no: 613169.
  16. Longhurst, N., Pataki, G., 2015. TRANSIT WP4 Case Study Report: The Transition Movement. TRANSIT FP7 Project.
  17. Lockyer, J., 2010. Intentional community carbon reduction and climate change action: from ecovillages to transition towns, in: Peters, M., Fudge, S., Jackson, T. (Eds.), Low Carbon Communities: Imaginative Approaches to Combating Climate Change Locally. Edward Elgar, Camberley, UK, pp. 197–215.
  18. Barry, J., Quilley, S., 2009. The transition to sustainability: Transition towns and sustainable communities. Pp. 1-28 in The Transition to Sustainable Living and Practice, Advances in Ecopolitics Volume 4. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/S2041-806X(2009)0000004004
  19. Hof, A., Holsten, A., Berg, H., et, al, 2016. Sustainability Transitions to Low Carbon Societies - TESS, ARTS & PATHWAYS Common Policy Brief.
  20. Bollier, D. & Helfrich, S., 2019. Free, fair and alive. The insurgent power of the commons. Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers.
  21. Kuttler, T., Moraglio, M., Bosetti, S., Chiffi, C., Van, P., Grandsart, D., 2019. Mobility in prioritised areas: inputs from the final-users (HiReach Project Deliverable No. 2.2).
  22. AGAPE Project, 2016. Final Report Summary - AGAPE (Exploring Anti-GentrificAtion PracticEs and policies in Southern European Cities)
  23. Håkansson, I., 2018. The socio-spatial politics of urban sustainability transitions: Grassroots initiatives in gentrifying Peckham. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 29, 34–46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2017.10.003
  24. Henfrey, T. & G. Penha-Lopes, 2019. Recoupling through Regeneration: Community-led initiatives and the re-imagining of economic and social policy. Global Solutions Journal 4: 254-259.
  25. Mulder, K., Costanza, R., Erickson, J., 2006. The contribution of built, human, social and natural capital to quality of life in intentional and unintentional communities. Ecological Economics 59, 13–23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2005.09.021
  26. Henfrey, T., Ford, L., 2018. Permacultures of transformation: steps to a cultural ecology of environmental action. Journal of Political Ecology 25, 104–119. https://doi.org/0.2458/v25i1.22758
  27. Leyshon, A., R. Lee & C.C. Williams (eds.), 2003. Alternative Economic Spaces. London: Sage.
  28. Németh, S., 2018. Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development. Working Paper 2. RELOCAL Project.
  29. https://relocal.eu/multi-scalar-patterns-of-inequalities/. Accessed September 13th 2019.
  30. The Role of the Local in Improving Cohesion and Spatial Justice: integrating place-based with top-down approaches to local development (Policy Brief No. 1), 2018. RELOCAL Project.
  31. Asara, V., Profumi, E., Kallis, G., 2013. Degrowth, Democracy and Autonomy. Environmental Values 22, 217–239. https://doi.org/10.3197/096327113X13581561725239
  32. Schneider, F., Kallis, G., Martinez-Alier, J., 2010. Crisis or opportunity? Economic degrowth for social equity and ecological sustainability. Introduction to this special issue. Journal of Cleaner Production 18, 511–518. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2010.01.014
  33. https://ecovillage.org/. Accessed October 18th 2019.
  34. https://www.ecolise.eu/about-ecolise/. Accessed October 18th 2019.
  35. Wilber, K., 2000. Integral Psychology. Boston: Shambala
  36. D’Alisa, G., Demaria, F., Cattaneo, C., 2013. Civil and Uncivil Actors for a Degrowth Society. Journal of Civil Society 9, 212–224. https://doi.org/10.1080/17448689.2013.788935
  37. Frantzeskaki, N., Dumitru, A., Anguelovski, I., Avelino, F., Bach, M., Best, B., Binder, C., Barnes, J., Carrus, G., Egermann, M., Haxeltine, A., Moore, M.-L., Mira, R.G., Loorbach, D., Uzzell, D., Omann, I., Olsson, P., Silvestri, G., Stedman, R., Wittmayer, J., Durrant, R., Rauschmayer, F., 2016. Elucidating the changing roles of civil society in urban sustainability transitions. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 22, 41–50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2017.04.008
  38. Becker, S.L., Franke, F., Gläsel, A., 2018. Regime pressures and organizational forms of community-based sustainability initiatives. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 29, 5–16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2017.10.004
  39. Creamer, E., 2015. The double-edged sword of grant funding: a study of community-led climate change initiatives in remote rural Scotland. Local Environment 20, 981–999. https://doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2014.885937
  40. Taylor Aiken, G., 2014. Common Sense Community? The Climate Challenge Fund’s Official and Tacit Community Construction. Scottish Geographical Journal 130, 207–221. https://doi.org/10.1080/14702541.2014.921322
  41. Armerio, M., Di Angelis, M., 2017. Anthropocene: victims, narrators, and revolutionaries. South Atlantic Quarterly 116, 345–362. https://doi.org/10.1215/00382876-3829445
  42. Bookchin, D. & A. Colau (eds.), 2019. Fearless Cities: A guide to the global municipalist movement. Oxford: New Internationalist.
  43. https://transformativecities.org/atlas-of-utopias/atlas-013// Accessed October 18th 2019.