La via campesina

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Description of what the network is about

La Via Campesina is a network of local rural agricultural actors engaged in re-valorising local sustainable agriculture and small-holder farming for self- and community sustenance. The network has spearheaded food sovereignty as a concept and practice as an international agenda and is an active voice in the promotion of farmers' rights, indigenous rights, women's rights and sustainable farming practices. Its activity is centred at the intersection of many societal domains. Having sprung up in South America, some of the main work has been in relation to the encroachment and degradation of native (rain)forests for industrial agricultural practices.

Societal problem they want to address

Farmer's rights, climate change, indigenous rights, women’s rights.

Societal domain

Social movement.

Basic aim of network

Empowering local actors to stand up to industrial agricultural practices and maintaining sovereignty over one's own food production processes through activism and education.


Worker/indigenous/women's rights, obstruction of environmentally detrimental practices.

For more information

La via campesina web page

Entry done by

Yannick at the Wikithon event 15.11.2022.