End fossil

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Description of what the network is about

A global climate justice movement youth activist network, whose goal is to change the system by ending the fossil economy at an international level.

Societal problem they want to address

Climate breakdown.

Societal domain

Ecological and societal collapse. Social movement.

Basic aim of network

To end the fossil economy.


Between September and December 2022, End Fossil will occupy hundreds of schools and universities all over the world. Such direct actions are deepening the resistance to the current paradigm by facilitating the emergence of radical ecological & climate justice movements, while also opening temporary spaces to invite existing leaders / movements in the field, to share insights.

They use the #EndFossil hashtag on social media Twitter Instagram

At time of writing, Nov 15 2022, the list of current occupations are:

¡Occupations Underway! (tags are insta tags)

Portugal (@greveclimaticalisboa) : Camões Highschool (@ocupa.camoes) ; António Arroio Highschool (@ocupa.arroio); Faculty of Letters from the University of Lisbon (@fimaofossil.flul); Faculty of Sciences from the University of Lisbon (@ocupa.fcul); Instituto Superior Técnico (@ocupa.tecnico); Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA (@ocupafcsh) are occupied since the 7th of November 2022

Germany : University of Cologne (@endfossil.koeln); University of Duisburg (@endfossil_duisburg); Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Gesamtschule (Göttigen) (@endfossil_goe) are occupied since the 7th of November 2022

United Kingdom : Leeds University (@endfossiluk); Exeter University (@endfossiluk) are occupied since the 7th of November 2022

Spain : University of Barcelona is being occupied by @endfossil.esp since November 2nd 2022

Italy : Università degli studi di Milano is being occupied and ECOLAB has been activated by @ecologiapoliticamilano since March 2022.

For more information

End Fossil web page

Entry done by

Duncan Crowley at the Wikithon event 15.11.2022.