Green Economy Network

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Description of what the network is about

The Green Economy Network (GEN) is a coalition of labour, environmental and social justice organizations working to build a green economy in Canada

Societal Problem they want to address

The Green Economy Network aims to rethink the current economic model and build a new sustainable green economic model by transitioning Canada’s mode of production and consumption. The current business model is not sustainable and therefore there is a need to address pressing economic and social inequalities of our time.

Societal Domain

Sustainable green economy

Basic aim of the network

The basic aim of the Green Economy Network is to protect our planet and build a clean planet for tomorrow by implementing a low-to-zero carbon economy. This goal is achieved by creating (1) one million climate jobs; (2) clean safe transportation; (3) clean renewable energy and (4) greener buildings.


As members of Canadian-based labour, environmental, faith, and social justice organizations we have come together to form a common front for the building of a green economy in Canada. We have done so recognizing that we are living in one of those critical moments of human history wherein decisions must be made that will ultimately affect our destiny as a people, a nation, and the planet. The Green Economy Network recognizes the need to respond to the looming climate crisis, therefore it will stretch across many sectors with a plan that would address the ecological, economic and equity challenges of our time.

For more information

Green Economy Network website

Research question about translocal networking

Entry done by

Herica Ailine Silva Carvalho