Cities of TOMORROW

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TOMORROW is a Horizon 2020 funded project, aiming at empowering local authorities to lead the transition towards low-carbon, resilient and more liveable cities.

General introduction

Energy Cities and the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT), together with the pilot cities of Brașov (Romania), Brest (France), Dublin (Ireland), Mouscron (Belgium), Niš (Serbia) and Valencia (Spain), spearhead innovative ways to develop long-term transition roadmaps, by implementing the revised transition management methodology. The six cities will develop 2050 transition roadmaps together with citizens and other local stakeholders and serve as pilot for the transition of European territories.

TOMORROW provides an innovative engagement processes in order to foster wide and meaningful participation. Such processes will be based on a review of existing methodologies and approaches successfully used by some frontrunners cities, called lighthouse, involved in the project.

TOMORROW produced a set of factsheets and methodological guidelines to be used as a toolbox by European cities.

Project Funding

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 847136. Links

Flag of Europe.svg

Main insights on/for sustainable just cities

[Describe how the project/initiative addresses (urban) (un)sustainability and/or (in)justice directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly, through concepts and theories and/or through empirical research. Max. 500 words.]

Suggested key readings & links

Transition Toolbox Guidelines

A set of guidelines on how to develop a transition roadmap for (European) cities are published (or soon to be).

  • Workbook Vol.1 For Urban Transition Makers - A collection of tools for change makers willing to contribute to sustainability transition in cities. More specifically, this workbook explains the tools to get started with so-called transition governance.
  • Workbook Vol.2
  • Designing participatory transformative processes for just and zero-carbon cities - Methodological guidelines for using Transition Management

Link to other Wiki-pages

The TOMORROW factsheets are part of TOMORROW’s toolbox and provide can the inspiration and guidance necessary to develop a city’s transition roadmaps. Innovative energy transition practices in different cities in Europe are linked below, organized by sector.

Further reading

[Overview of relevant links & publications/reports about and/or by the project/initiative, if available]