Open District Heating - Stockholm

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"Open district heating" is a service in which businesses with excess heat that are located adjacent to their heating or cooling networks are encouraged to sell energy supplied in the form of warm water. Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash.


“Open District Heating” is one of the services of “Stockholm Exergi” (previously called Fortum Värme), a district heating and cooling production and distribution company. With this project, the company encourages companies and businesses with excess heat that are located adjacent to their heating or cooling networks to sell energy supplied in the form of warm water. The water is injected into the pipe network (grid) and delivered to connected buildings. “Stockholm Exergi” is currently supplying 90% of Stockholm’s energy demand with district heating.


  • Implement new sustainable energy solutions towards meeting Stockholm’s climate adaptation goals.
  • Use completely renewable and recovered energy for district heating by 2030.
  • Use energy that otherwise would be wasted.
  • Turn traditional customers/consumers into suppliers by offering revenue for their excess of energy.

How it works

  • “Open District Heating” is mainly focussed on purchasing the energy released by data centres and grocery stores, situated nearby their heating and cooling networks, because they generate heat that they otherwise would need to cool down.
  • “Stockholm Exergi” invests in the technical infrastructure, by converting the heat released into hot water with a pump and providing the pipe network necessary to deliver the district heating to heap up the households and offices in Stockholm.
  • “Open District Heating” allows businesses to turn their costs for cooling into revenue from recovered heat. Both large and small companies can participate in the scheme by selling their excess heat to Open District Heating.

Transformative potential

“Open District Heating” offers a business model in which a potential waste is avoided: the energy is recovered and used to heat buildings. Thanks to this energy exchange, both suppliers and “Stockholm Exergi”, benefit from this sustainable measure. The project is based on combining competitiveness of the business with energy recovering, aiming to achieve profitability and efficiency for both sides. Energy companies operating in other cities could also adopt this model.

More information

Open District Heating website

Presentation by Stockholm Exergi


Cities of Tomorrow Open District Heating, a market place for excess heat Stockholm