Template for projects

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Revision as of 14:56, 19 February 2020 by Vaishali Joshi (talk | contribs)
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[short one-liner on project/initiative]

General introduction

[Provide a general introduction of the project/initiative (including hyperlink to the project website, what kind of project it was, broad characterization of the focus, main aim or research question, key concepts/approaches). Max 200 words.]

Main insights on/for sustainable just cities

[Describe how the project/initiative addresses (urban) (un)sustainability and/or (in)justice directly or indirectly, explicitly or implicitly, through concepts and theories and/or through empirical research. Max. 500 words.]

Suggested key readings & links

[Suggest top 1-5 key readings and/or websites from the project/initiative that are most relevant for sustainable just cities]

Link to other Wiki-pages

[Add links to other possible Wiki-pages (approaches, projects/initiatives, users)]

Further reading

[Overview of relevant links & publications/reports about and/or by the project/initiative, if available]


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