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From Urban Arena Wiki
Revision as of 15:19, 1 November 2022 by Rachel Williams (talk | contribs) (removed old drivers of change)
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Welcome, to the Wiki on Sustainable Just Cities!

This Wiki is an ongoing, open-ended collaborative database and knowledge source for city-makers including activists, policy workers, and scientists. The Wiki aims to create a knowledge exchange both as a place to share information and knowledge(s) and as a place to learn from. At its core, it hosts resources for sustainable and just cities, an overview of approaches, insights, and initiatives.

Resources for sustainable and just cities

Mapping of Approaches for UrbanA project during Rotterdam Arena Event

To address the issue of considerable amounts of knowledge remaining fragmented or inaccessible, this Wiki brings together approaches, instruments, toolboxes, good practices, and inspirations for making cities more sustainable and just. Follow the links to find more information and resources.

A call for co-creation

This Wiki on Sustainable Just Cities is part of a knowledge commons that serves as a resource for everyone who wants to contribute to more sustainable and just cities. It is not only for everyone to use the knowledge here, but also to share their own knowledge and experience with others. The idea of a knowledge commons is that it is owned and governed by all of those who use it.

You are warmly invited to edit and adapt any of the current pages, by e.g. adding examples, correcting or complementing information, as well as by adding your own approaches, projects, initiatives and user profiles. Becoming a Wiki-user is very easy and quick.

For information on how to contribute, please check out the User guide. This guide includes links to tips on formatting and editing wiki pages.

In the video above UrbanA researcher Flor Avelino explains the importance of the wiki to UrbanA's knowledge co-creation processes.

About the Wiki

The Wiki on Sustainable Just Cities was conceived under the assumption that actionable knowledge is needed to transform our cities into more sustainable and just environments. This knowledge is to be both relevant and accessible to as many people as possible.

The Wiki is organized as a knowledge commons based approach for its greater potential to promote sustainability and justice. Knowledge commons are shared information resources, governed by a community of users according to an agreed set of rules, conventions and procedures. Such a decentralized approach to knowledge co-creation and information sharing uses the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ to support inclusive, co-creative, open-access and open-source approaches to knowledge generation. In order to transform our cities into more sustainable and just environments, we need actionable knowledge that is relevant and accessible to as many people as possible.

The UrbanA (Urban Arenas for Sustainable and Just Cities) project, an EU Horizon 2020 project, aimed to further develop and translate knowledge into action through the Wiki on Sustainable Just Cities. With the UrbanA project having ended in March 2022, the Just Sustainability Transitions in Cities Network of the Vital Cities and Citizens initiative of the Erasmus University Rotterdam has taken over the curation of the wiki, in partnership with ICLEI Europe.

About UrbanA and the Community of Practice

UrbanA Website

The UrbanA (Urban Arenas for Sustainable and Just Cities) project's aim was to consolidate and communicate the knowledge and experience related to urban social (in)equality and ecological (un)sustainability as well as on understanding the connections, tensions and contradictions between the two. The UrbanA project then synthesized these learnings into the Wiki on Sustainable Just Cities.

Further information on UrbanA, a major EU-funded project on urban sustainability and justice, can be found on the project's page and public website.

About Vital Cities and Citizens

Vital Cities and Citizens Website

Vital Cities and Citizens (VCC) aims to enhance the quality of life in urban areas through scientific research and advice, knowledge sharing and networking, and directly works towards sustainable and just cities. ​"Sustainable cities are about upholding social justice, ecological resilience and economic vitality for current and future generations. Many social movements and organizations across the world, including activists, entrepreneurs, researchers, policy-makers and other citizens, are collaborating to create more sustainable and just cities.”  

More information on VCC can be found on the VCC project page.


This site holds an ongoing, open-ended online collaborative database, which attempts to collect relevant approaches that can be used by city-makers to tackle unsustainability and injustice in cities.

Until now, the pages are based mainly on knowledge generated in EU-funded projects, distilled and summarised by consortium members.

The database touches on fast-changing fields. As such, this page makes no claims of authoritative completeness and welcomes your suggestions and input.


Reuse of content for non-commercial purposes is permitted, with attribution, under Creative Commons Licence BY-NC 4.0.

Further information is available on our copyrights page.