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Aleksi Salmela
Aleksi Salmela
[[Category: Translocal networks for just sustainability transitions]]

Latest revision as of 14:21, 2 November 2022

Description of what the network is about

Sustainable Food Places is a partnership programme led by the Soil Association, Food Matters and Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming. It is funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and The National Lottery Community Fund. The network brings together pioneering food partnerships from towns, cities, boroughs, districts and counties across the UK that are driving innovation and best practice on all aspects of healthy and sustainable food.

Societal problem they want to address

The unsustainable, unhealthy and unequitable food system.

Societal domain


Basic aim of network

To make possible a transition to a healthy, sustainable and more equitable food system by way of strong national policy and also collaborative action between policy makers, businesses and civil society at the local level.


The network has helped places across the UK: to establish a cross-sector food partnership involving local authority and public sector bodies, third sector organisations, businesses and academic institutions; to develop a vision, strategy and action plan for making healthy and sustainable food a defining characteristic of where they live; and to work together to realise that vision through concerted and coordinated action across a wide range of food issues.

For more information


Moragues-Faus, A., & Sonnino, R. (2019). Re-assembling sustainable food cities: An exploration of translocal governance and its multiple agencies. Urban Studies, 56(4), 778–794. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098018763038

Entry done by

Aleksi Salmela