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A total of four [https://urban-arena.eu/sustainable-just-cities-2/ Arenas] took place over the course of the project:
A total of four [https://urban-arena.eu/sustainable-just-cities-2/ Arenas] took place over the course of the project:

*The first Arena took place on the 28<sup>th</sup> & 29<sup>th</sup> of November 2019 in Rotterdam and was hosted by the [[Dutch Research Institute for Transition (DRIFT)]]. This session marked the launch of the [[UrbanA Community Conversations]] with a focus on [https://urban-arena.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Zine-final-version_Optimised.pdf ''''Mapping''' approaches to urban sustainability and justice'].  
*The first Arena took place on the 28<sup>th</sup> & 29<sup>th</sup> of November 2019 in Rotterdam and was hosted by the [[Dutch Research Institute for Transition (DRIFT)]]. This session marked the launch of the [[UrbanA Community Conversations]] with a focus on ''''Mapping''' approaches to urban sustainability and justice'[https://urban-arena.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Zine-final-version_Optimised.pdf].  
*The [https://urban-arena.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/UrbanA_2nd-Arena_preliminary-agenda_V2.pdf second event] occurred on the 4<sup>th</sup> & 5<sup>th</sup> of June 2020 in Barcelona, hosted by [[Barcelona Lab for Environmental Justice and Sustainability]], with a discussion centred around [https://urban-arena.eu/barcelona-arena/ ''''Justice''' challenges in urban sustainability']. It included an open webinar, on the afternoon of June 5th, which had been recorded [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dx2B3R9jTc Youtube].
*The second event[https://urban-arena.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/UrbanA_2nd-Arena_preliminary-agenda_V2.pdf] occurred on the 4<sup>th</sup> & 5<sup>th</sup> of June 2020 in Barcelona, hosted by [[Barcelona Lab for Environmental Justice and Sustainability]], with a discussion centred around ''''Justice''' challenges in urban sustainability'[https://urban-arena.eu/barcelona-arena/]. It included an open webinar, on the afternoon of June 5th, which had been recorded [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dx2B3R9jTc Youtube].
*The third Arena took place on the 18<sup>th</sup> & 19<sup>th</sup> of March, 2021 in Berlin, hosted by the [[Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg]]. Here, the topic of conversation was [https://urban-arena.eu/berlin-arena/ ''''Governance arrangements''' for sustainable and just cities'].
*The third Arena took place on the 18<sup>th</sup> & 19<sup>th</sup> of March, 2021 in Berlin, hosted by the [[Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg]]. Here, the topic of conversation was ''''Governance arrangements''' for sustainable and just cities'[https://urban-arena.eu/berlin-arena/].
*Fourth, and last, was the Arena held on the 18<sup>th</sup> & 19<sup>th</sup> of October, in Brussels, hosted by [[ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability)]] where [https://urban-arena.eu/brussels-arena/ ''''Policy''' action for sustainable and just cities'] were formulated and discussed.
*Fourth, and last, was the Arena held on the 18<sup>th</sup> & 19<sup>th</sup> of October, in Brussels, hosted by [[ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability)]] where ''''Policy''' action for sustainable and just cities'[https://urban-arena.eu/brussels-arena/] were formulated and discussed.

The Arenas culminated in the proposition of 17 [[UrbanA Keys]] for sustainable and just cities.
The Arenas culminated in the proposition of 17 [[UrbanA Keys]][https://urban-arena.eu/resources/keys/] for sustainable and just cities.


Revision as of 15:16, 6 April 2022

Welcome, to the Wiki on Sustainable Just Cities!

This Wiki is an ongoing, open-ended online collaborative database and knowledge source for the Community of Practice of the UrbanA project. It captures the learning process of the UrbanA Community of Practice and is an important part of UrbanA's knowledge commons. It includes a database of approaches and projects & initiatives to just and sustainable cities. |

UrbanA Website

A call for co-creation

This Wiki on Sustainable Just Cities is part of a knowledge commons that serves as a resource for everyone that wants to contribute to more sustainable and just cities. It is not only for everyone to use the knowledge that is on there, but also for everyone to share their own knowledge and experience. The idea of a knowledge commons is that it is owned and governed by all of those who use it.

You are warmly invited to edit and adapt any of the current pages, by e.g. adding examples, correcting or complementing information. And/or to add your own approaches, projects, initiatives and user profiles. Becoming a Wiki-user is every easy and quick.

For information on how, check out the User guide. This guide includes links to tips on formatting and editing wiki pages.

In the video to the left, UrbanA researcher Flor Avelino explains the importance of the wiki to UrbanA's knowledge co-creation processes.

About UrbanA

Cities play a key role in responding to the great challenges of our time. However increasing poverty and inequality, exacerbated by the recent financial and housing crises, are putting the social cohesion and resilience of European cities to the test.

Much research has focused on teasing out the causes of urban social inequality and ecological unsustainability, and on understanding the connections, tensions and contradictions between the two. Research and innovation have also contributed to the development of ways to make cities more just and sustainable. Yet the need to consolidate and effectively communicate this knowledge and experience remains.

UrbanA, Urban Arenas for Sustainable and Just Cities, takes up this challenge. Further information on UrbanA, a major EU-funded project on urban sustainability and justice, can be found on the project's public website.

Why this Wiki

In order to transform our cities into more sustainable and just environments, we need actionable knowledge that is relevant and accessible to as many people as possible. Currently, too much knowledge remains fragmented and inaccessible. Through the UrbanA project, we aim to synthesize and broker existing knowledge as well as further develop and translate knowledge into action. One important way in which we do this is through the UrbanA Wiki Database on Sustainable Just Cities.

A Wiki is a decentralized approach to knowledge co-creation and information sharing. The ‘wisdom of the crowd’ is in the lead (instead of top-down development by a central manager). It supports inclusive, co-creative, open access and open source approaches to knowledge generation.


Mapping of Approaches for UrbanA project during Rotterdam Arena Event

This wiki captures this learning process and provides a shared workspace for the UrbanA Community of Practice. The database began as a set of approaches and research methods linking urban sustainability and justice. The latest addition is a set of drivers of injustice that can arise as (usually unitended) side-effects of urban sustainability efforts. Use of this wiki will connect closely with our shared virtual library. Visit the list of approaches, drivers, governance arrangements, projects and people by following these links:

The covid-19 crisis has exposed severe inequities in European urban areas while showing the fragility of an unsustainable growth-oriented economic system. The UrbanA Community of Practice has collected resources that intersect the covid-19 crisis with issues of justice, sustainability and urbanization.

The UrbanA Community of Practice

UrbanA Community of Practice

A central element of UrbanA is the Community of Practice (CoP). The CoP is an open network of individuals committed to taking constructive action on urban social inequality and ecological unsustainability in the ambition to create more just and sustainable cities.

Since April 2020 the CoP has held (near) bi-weekly, online Community Conversations (CoCos). An UrbanA Community of Practice case study was written in September 2020.

Read more about the CoP and how to get involved here.

The Arenas

A total of four Arenas took place over the course of the project:

The Arenas culminated in the proposition of 17 UrbanA Keys[6] for sustainable and just cities.


This site holds an ongoing, open-ended online collaborative database, which attempts to collect relevant approaches that can be used by city-makers to tackle unsustainability and injustice in cities.

Until now, the pages are based mainly on knowledge generated in EU-funded projects, distilled and summarised by consortium members.

The database touches on fast-changing fields. As such, this page makes no claims of authoritative completeness and welcomes your suggestions and input.


Reuse of content for non-commercial purposes is permitted, with attribution, under Creative Commons Licence BY-NC 4.0.

Further information is available on our copyrights page.